ABSTRACT — Sovereign Wealth Funds
(S.W.F.s) are state entities that manage a country's savings with the plan to obtain high-quality
returns from the financial assets in which they invest. S.W.F.s are not a new
phenomenon but what has been changing consistently in the last years is their
dimensional growth (they administered around $3 trillion at the end of 2007,
an amount that will continue to augment also in the coming years. These funds
belong for the most part to developing countries, and they invest primarily in
the financial markets of North America and Europe. Since last year on both
sides of the Atlantic Ocean has emerged a debate about the necessity to set up
some rules in order to regulate S.W.F.s. The aim of this paper is to try to
understand what these S.W.F.s are in reality and what are the possible proposals
in the U.S. and in the European Union (E.U.) in order to create a legal
framework in which the funds will operate in the next future.
In Western
countries, for the first time foreign direct investments (F.D.I.s)
from emerging markets — the definition "emerging market" is commonly
used to describe business and market activity in industrializing or emerging regions of the world — are close to the
amount of F.D.I.s done by North America and Europe in Asia, Russia, South
America and the Middle East. Similarly astonishing is the fact that two Arab
countries have decided to enter into the capital of the Nasdaq (New York), the London Stock
Exchange (London) and the Omx (Stockholm). In other words, there are relevant economic
resources that are transferred from emerging economies to the Western
markets. This condition would have been absolutely unimaginable only a few years ago and many
questions are emerging about the opportunities, the risks both economically and
politically, that this flow of assets could create to the world's financial
system. In particular, to which point will it be possible to open up Western
markets to these resources? In Europe and North America discussions about this
subject are more and more present in the political arena. The attention and
focus given to this issue are important because they corresponds to fears on both
sides of the Atlantic Ocean, fears that cannot be defined as simple and
pure economic protectionism. Investments from emerging countries into Western
markets are not a new phenomenon. For example, already thirty years ago Labico
(a company from Libya) bought a relevant quota of the Italian automobile manufacturer FIAT
and, similarly, twenty years ago in the United Kingdom (U.K.) Prime Minister Margaret
Thatcher started a legal battle to impede Kuwait Investment Office from buying
British Petroleum (BP). And many other examples like these exist in relation
to North America. Today, the dimension of these investments and the importance
of the new targets are rather new. The explosion of this phenomenon as a
consequence of the interest of emerging countries — specifically China, Russia and
the Gulf states — to invest in Western countries has four different origins:
- The appearance of China on the world economic
stage with its huge economic impact.
- The high development rates of China and many
other emerging countries both in the Persian Gulf and in Asia.
- The huge increase in the price of both oil and
other commodities induced by the Chinese and Indian demand of these commodities
for their economic development.
- The high capital gains and the availability of
relevant economic resources for many emerging countries as a consequence of both
the increase of oil prices and the value of their stock exchanges. It is
important to underline that in the late 1990s the price of a barrel of oil was
just over $10 while in the first months of 2008 it overcame $100 per
- Global trade imbalances contribute to the
increase of S.W.F.s. On the one hand, according to a study done in June 2007 by
the National Bureau of Economic Research, oil exporters have an unbalanced
trade dynamic because the other countries are always eager to purchase oil. On the other hand, non-oil-exporting
countries accumulate reserves for other reasons. For example, China and
East Asian countries “have seen their exports soar because of favorable — and
some say skewed — exchange rates”[i].
emerging markets’ huge reserves of capital, their account reserves deriving
from the commercial surplus linked to the increase of commodities prices, and
the stock exchange gains, have no immediate possibility of reinvestment in the domestic
markets[ii] (typical
examples are the United Arab Emirates or Kuwait), which are very limited. The
narrow opportunities procured by the domestic markets are the reason for which
these countries started to invest abroad, principally in assets linked to
energy, natural resources, steel, finance (banks, stock exchanges and private
equity), utilities and infrastructures. What is shocking is the nature of the
investors from these emerging markets because they are chiefly public sovereign
wealth funds (S.W.F.s), while with traditional F.D.I.s
the main actors have always been private entities.
First Paragraph: What Are S.W.F.s?
At the
moment there is no clear and universally accepted definition of S.W.F.s. The U.S.
Treasury defines S.W.F.s as “government investment funds, funded by foreign
currency reserves but managed separately from official currency reserves”[iii].
Normally if a foreign asset is to be classified as a reserve asset it has to be
decided on a case-by-case basis. In fact, sometimes over some assets that are
invested into liquid and marketable instruments the central bank has the right
to use them for requirements linked to the balance of payments. In such a case
these are not labeled as S.W.F.s but as official reserves. In other cases, some
assets are invested in much less liquid and marketable instruments, but the
Central Bank has no right over them. In this second hypothesis these assets are
S.W.F.s and not official reserves.
To sum
up, S.W.F.s are pools of money that governments want to use to get good profits
and, when dealing with S.W.F.s governments have a propensity for higher risk
tolerance and higher returns in comparison to the standards they use with the
classic official reserves. The accumulation of official reserves for S.W.F.s is
not the only way through which countries hold money and according to Deputy
Secretary of the Treasury, Robert M. Kimmitt there are four different ways in order
to store sovereign wealth:
- S.W.F.s
- International Reserves
- Public Pension Funds
- State-Owned Enterprises[iv]
In general, S.W.F.s are used to increase the wealth
of the state and they do not serve to repay any specific debt. S.W.F.s:
seek to diversify foreign exchange assets and earn a higher return by investing
in a broader range of asset classes, including longer-term government bonds,
agency and asset-backed securities, corporate bonds, equities, commodities,
real estate, derivatives, and foreign direct investment.[v]
raise some questions because the investment decisions are controlled by
governments and not by individuals or by private corporations and “unlike central
banks, which tend to invest reserves in assets like U.S. Treasury bonds, the
sovereign funds often invest in corporations”.[vi] In
addition to this, like hedge funds, the majority of S.W.F.s are secretive, and any
comprehensive list of what they own and any binding reporting of their
liabilities or policies do not exist. Until now there has not being any serious
case of S.W.F.s that have used their power in a bad and politicized manner. But how
long can this assumption hold in the future? An example of a sort of
politicized behavior happened in 2006 when the Norwegian Fund sold its $400
billion of Wal-Mart shares. The reason for this move was that the company was
badly treating its workers.
may be divided into two categories with reference to the different source of
the foreign exchange assets:
- Commodity Funds — These funds are created from
commodities exports (oil producing countries account for two-thirds of the
total wealth of all the S.W.F.s.) both owned or taxed by the government. These
funds are established with different targets like stabilization of fiscal
revenues, balance of payments sterilization (a sort of way to prevent foreign
exchange funds to spread inflation. The funds would be a buffer impeding to an
excess quantity of money to enter the country in the same time) or savings for
the future generations. As a consequence of last years' high oil prices, many
funds that were established for fiscal stabilization have since evolved into
saving funds. The latter funds have a broader range of investments compared to
stabilization funds that invest primarily into liquid and secure assets. With
reference to exporters
of nonrenewable resources, the International Monetary Fund (I.M.F.) encourages
these countries to build up such a kind of funds in preparation for the so-called
"rainy day." The falling American dollar is another incentive for exporters
to get rid of their currency reserves “given that oil is currently priced in
U.S. dollars.”[vii]
- Non-Commodity Funds — This kind of S.W.F.s is
generated through the transfer of assets from official foreign exchange
reserves. Large current account surpluses — sometimes coupled by capital
account surpluses — have been the key (especially in Asia) for non-commodity
exporters “to transfer “excess” foreign exchange reserves to stand-alone funds”[viii].
the fact that:
Commodity S.W.F. assets often derive
from foreign currency accruing directly to the government, the foreign currency
is not converted to domestic currency, does not enter the domestic economy, and
therefore does not need to be sterilized through the issuance of domestic debt
to avoid unwanted inflationary pressures. In contrast, non-commodity SWFs
assets often derive from at least partially sterilized exchange rate
intervention and may therefore be thought of more as “borrowed funds.[ix]
In 2007, resource-rich countries started to consider that they probably had invested too much in U.S. dollars and that they
would like to start to diversify these holdings through S.W.F.s. Recently, OPEC
members have discussed with reference to this diversification the
possibility to price oil resources in different currencies. This could permit
them to scale back their dollar holdings. In any case, initially countries that want to build up foreign exchange reserves invest in liquid
assets (like Treasury bonds), but then, when they have sufficient reserves to
cover all the short-term needs, “they can afford to tie money up on long-term
investments that offer better returns”.[x] Another
implication that S.W.F.s have is the possible destabilization of financial
markets. In this regard, it is advisable to remember that “the impact of a particular pool of
money on financial stability depends not only on assets under management but
also on the potential leverage (i.e., debt) used in investment strategies”[xi].
are not new tools because their naissance can be traced back to 1950s (the term
S.W.F.s would not exist for another 50 years) when in 1953 it was created the
Kuwait Investment Office for investing oil revenues, and then in 1956 it
was created the Kiribati Revenue Equalization, which today is related to
phosphates but that at that time had to manage the revenues coming from the
guano mining activity.[xii] Two
other important S.W.F.s like the Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (ADIA) and
Singapore’s Government Investment Corporation (G.I.C., this is not based on oil
income) were created in 1976 and 1981 respectively. They have now more than 25 years of operative
experience. The largest S.W.F. is today ADIA, which controls around $875 billion
in assets while in second and third positions there are respectively the
Norwegian Government Pension Fund — Global
($380 billion) and G.I.C. ($330 billion). Furthermore, it should be noted that
though S.W.F.s “are typically found in countries with big trade surpluses, there
is one of them in the U.S.: the state-run Alaska Permanent Fund, founded in
1976 to reinvest oil profits.”[xiii]
What is
important today is their weight and the new actors that are using them like
China with the China Investment Corporation (C.I.C.) and Russia with the
Stabilization Fund (Russia wants to create a sort of buffer against volatile
commodity prices) and its huge public giant companies like Gazprom. In the past, S.W.F.s
principally invested into bonds and treasury bonds but in the last years their
aim has been to maximize the yield of the allocation of their national reserves
into foreign currencies. For this reason, their targets are more companies and
banks in Europe and North America. If we trace a list of Western firms where
there is a presence of S.W.F.s we can name among them many entities like Daimler-Chrysler,
Deutsche Bank, HSBC, Standard Chartered, Barclays, Airbus, Sainsbury and
the past five years the wealth accumulated by these funds has spiked and in
September 2007, the I.M.F. estimated that S.W.F.s — which are now more than 40 — control
today around $3 trillion, which is almost half of the official reserves of all
the world's countries. The recent credit crunch has brought an increase in the
investments in the U.S. and Europe by S.W.F.s. “with the amount invested in the
first two months of this year nearly matching half the 2007 total”[xiv]. This
wealth will increase to $5 trillion in 2010 and to $12 trillion in 2012. If
countries that have S.W.F.s divert more foreign exchange reserves from their
normal utilizations, S.W.F.s can grow beyond the previous mentioned values.
S.W.F.s manage more assets than hedge funds ($1.5 trillion) but are still a
very small reality compared to the $53 trillion managed by institutional investors
(pension funds and endowments). For this reason, S. Johnson of the I.M.F. in an
article of September 2007 affirmed that the assets controlled by S.W.F.s were
“significant but not huge”[xv]. He
also pointed out that these assets were "however, large relative to the
size of some emerging markets. The total value of traded securities in Africa,
the Middle East, and emerging Europe combined is about $4 trillion; this is
also roughly the size of these markets in all of Latin America.”[xvi] In
today’s world there are more than 20 countries (among them United Arab
Emirates, Qatar, Kuwait, Singapore, China, Norway, Libya and Algeria) that own these
funds and at least ten more would like to have S.W.F.s. According to recent data
the holdings concentrated in the top five funds account for 70 percent of total
Second Paragraph: What Are the Issues Sparked
by S.W.F.s?
speaking about S.W.F.s it is appropriate to consider three basic issues:
- Is the establishment of S.W.F.s creating undesirable
underlying macroeconomic and financial policies? This problem may arise easily
with non-commodity funds because these funds use S.W.F.s as a mechanism in order
to accumulate more foreign assets, through which they try to avoid their currency from
appreciating. With commodity funds the problem is less evident because “governments are
essentially replacing a physical asset in the ground with a financial asset in
a bank account to be drawn on by future generations.”[xvii]
- S.W.F.s are an excessive accumulation of domestic
and international economic and financial policies so it is relevant to consider
them in terms of their possible impact on the overall financial stability. In
principle S.W.F.s are long-term investors and do not retire their investments in
the eventuality of short-term volatility. Plus:
They are not highly
leveraged, and it is difficult to see how they could be forced by regulatory
capital requirements or sudden investor withdrawals to liquidate their
positions quickly. In this context, S.W.F.s may be considered a force for
financial stability -- supplying liquidity to the markets, raising asset
prices, and lowering borrowing yields in the countries in which they invest.
Still, responsible public policy requires a thorough consideration of the
potential impact of S.W.F.s on financial markets. S.W.F.s represent large,
concentrated, and often opaque positions in financial markets. A sudden shift
by S.W.F.s in illiquid markets can cause price volatility. Further, since many
S.W.F.s disclose little of their investment policies, mere rumors of S.W.F. shifts
may cause the private sector to react[xviii].
- Are they taking control of private firms
especially in North America and Europe? Are they a danger for the national
security of the countries where they invest? This is an important issue but
with a more in-depth analysis it emerges that there are also
non-national-security issues involved with S.W.F.s. In fact, according to Mr. Kimmitt:
First, the U.S. economy
is built on the belief that private firms allocate capital more efficiently
than governments. Second, foreign governments could conceivably employ large
pools of capital in non-commercially driven ways that are politically sensitive
even if they do not have a direct impact on national security. Examples would
include investment decisions made to promote a given foreign or social policy.
Third, there is the potential for perceived or actual unfair competitive
advantages relative to the private sector. For instance, a government could use
its intelligence or security services to gather information that is not
available to a commercial investor. With a sovereign guarantee, a S.W.F. could
also obtain or extend financing (if needed) at interest rates that a commercial
investor could not. It is also possible for a S.W.F. to take an indirect approach
by channeling foreign exchange through domestic SOEs [state-owned enterprises], which in turn invest
In general, these funds when started to buy
both participations also in the most prominent private equity funds (China has an
investment of $3 billion in Blackstone and Abu Dhabi an investment of $1.35
billion in Carlyle) and small quotas of Western firms; sometimes they aim
to control directly the firms. According to Ferreira, Massa and Matos — who did
a research (“Shareholders at the Gate?” done for the Fundacao para a Ciencia e
Tecnologia of Portugal (F.C.T.)) about the role of institutional investors in
cross borders mergers and acquisitions (M&A):
Companies that have more
institutional investors — especially foreign ones — are experiencing their
shareholders at the “gates”, which can act as “Trojan horses” to facilitate
changes of control. Overall, our paper shows how institutional ownership
facilitates the workings of the international market for corporate control[xx].
Obviously, this way of thinking is easily
applicable to public companies that do not have any controlling shareholder. In
fact, in such a situation if between the shareholders there is an S.W.F. the game
is really simple because the fund wants to increase its participation and
to gain the control of the public company; and for this target it has almost infinite
resources. The logic of capitalism is to have companies acting in order to
maximize the value of their shares for the shareholders. If the shareholders
are governments this assumption is not so obvious anymore. Other experts point
out that “a government could use S.W.F.s to learn how companies in other countries
operate, then use this information to bolster rival state-run enterprises.”[xxi] Really
interesting is the role played by Temasek Holdings of Singapore, which normally
invests in the medium/long term in Western companies that do not
produce assets or services for the medium class. In all these cases what is
important to understand is whether we are facing decisions done only with the goal of an economic profit or of a political motive. In such a situation
it is quite normal that on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean a certain alarmism
is growing not only in dealing with the economic and financial effects of these
operations but also in maintaining the democratic balance of the North American
and European countries.
attempt three years ago to buy the American oil group Unocal by the Chinese
company Cnooc and in 2006 the attempt to buy five American ports by Dubai Ports
World, which is a state-owned business and not an S.W.F., first got negative
answers from the U.S. on the basis of the national interest. Later, after the
rejection of Dubai Ports World’ proposal, Congress passed into law a very
restrictive law related to foreign investments into the U.S. (without
any doubt it was not easy for the U.S. to have a Middle Eastern country
controlling potential entry points, which could have been used by terrorists).
In 2007, when it was announced the alliance and the cross ownership of shares
between the Nasdaq and the Dubai Stock Exchange, President Bush had to intervene to
address the problem of verifying the compatibility of so complex an operation in relation to the
security necessities of the U.S. And Democratic senators wrote to Secretary of the
Treasury H. Paulson explaining that there was concern about the possible deal
between the two stock exchanges because this agreement would have meant to have
a strong influence exercised by a foreign government on a basic American
economic infrastructure.
general, the U.S. has always been an open country and the role played by the
Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (or Cfius)[xxii] has
never been to impede businesses with foreign entities. Cfius is an inter-agency
committee of the U.S. government and its principal task is to understand whether
possible foreign acquisitions of U.S. companies may have national security
implications. All the companies that can be involved in an acquisition by a
foreign firm should notify this possibility to Cfius (it is also in the powers
of Cfius to review transactions that are not voluntarily submitted). Cfius reviews
start with a 30-day decision to authorize a transaction or to open a statutory
investigation. If the Cfius decides to have a statutory investigation the
committee will have 45 additional days to decide whether authorizing the
acquisition or to order a divestment. In reality, the majority of the
transactions are approved with no problem by the Cfius. In fact, in 2006 in the
U.S. there had been around 10,000 mergers and acquisitions and of these 1,730
were cross-border transactions of which only 113 came before Cfius. None out
113 deals was blocked by the committee. In summer 2007 Congress passed a
new Cfius law, which increased the power of the committee (“additional scrutiny and
higher-level clearances for transactions involving foreign government”[xxiii]).
Today the
problem for the U.S. is to thwart an increase of neo-protectionist measures and
for this purpose “the President's Working Group on Financial Markets, which brings
together key U.S. financial regulators and other members of the U.S. government
under Secretary Paulson's chairmanship, has initiated a review of S.W.F.s”.[xxiv]
Protectionism would mean to undermine economic growth and job creation. On
March 20, 2008, the Bush administration got a commitment from two of the most
important S.W.F.s: Singapore and Abu Dhabi, which recently have both stepped up
their investments in Citigroup. These funds have to disavow “geopolitical
goals” in their investments in the U.S. and should try to be very transparent
for their activities in the U.S. (in fact, “of the biggest sovereign funds,
only Norway’s provides anything close to transparency. Each year it discloses
its investments portfolios and returns”[xxv] and
until now it has never sought out management control of its investments aiming
only to small ownership shares in the companies). In addition to this, the U.S.
has enlisted the I.M.F. and the O.E.C.D. “to develop a code to guide cross-border
investments by government funds.”[xxvi] This
code of best practices (it is crucial for this code that investors renounce to
political motives when they do investments) should be ready for fall 2008 and
it is supported also by the E.U. The problem with this project is that it has
already stirred resentments among some investing countries like China and the
Gulf states. In January 2008 at the Davos World Economic Forum many
representatives from Gulf countries explained that this code was not useful and
that it was an intrusion in the freedom of doing business. Still from the
American side of the Atlantic it is interesting the proposal by Edwin M. Truman
with the Peterson Institute for International Economics.[xxvii] He
suggests creating an international standard for cross border
investments. For this purpose it will be fundamental to consider:
- The targets of a specific investment.
- The strategy of a particular fund.
- The governance of a fund detailing which public officials from that specific country have access to fund information.
- Transparency.
- Behavioral guidelines explaining how a fund is entitled to adjust its portfolio[xxviii].
In the
U.S. another interesting proposal has been advanced by Jeffrey Garten, a former
dean of the Yale School of Management. Mr. Garten thinks that it will be necessary to
restrict “S.W.F.s’ operations to reciprocal arrangements, where the ability of a
country to buy foreign assets would be conditioned on granting similar access
to foreign fund (Economist 2007)”.[xxix]
reference to Europe, in summer 2007, Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany raised a
question about the growing presence of S.W.F.s in the ownerships of many German
and European firms. What in Europe is also emerging — in relation to economic
globalization and the primary role played by S.W.F.s in North America and in
Europe — is the different approach between economists and politicians. In fact,
in general the economists tend to underline the positive features of
globalization and capital flows among different areas of the world. They think
that this a very positive process because it permits to multiply the possibilities
of investments — overcoming all the political, legal and bureaucratic barriers —
and to improve the economic growth of North America and Europe thanks to the
attraction that Western countries have for capitals coming from emerging
markets. If the investments from
emerging countries in the West are linked to market considerations with no
political games involved and to reciprocity criteria, these investments are
integral part of the process of globalization and liberalization of the economy.
Such a process is positive for both developed and developing countries. But in
Europe the problems raised by S.W.F.s cannot be answered only under the lens of
economic considerations. The European debate around S.W.F.s is arguing about at
least four fundamental questions:
- Do S.W.F.s’ investments follow market criteria or
political targets?
- Are these investments coming from countries that
apply the concept of the right reciprocity in relation to economic freedom?
- In Western countries is it possible to consider
in the same way the acquisition by a S.W.F. of a hotel chain and the acquisition
of a non-replicable asset that is of paramount importance for the development
of the country like for example infrastructural networks in the sector of gas,
electricity or telecommunications?
- Is the presence (or the absence) of democracy in
the countries from which the S.W.F.s originate an important factor?
also in Europe there are no other solutions than accepting S.W.F.s as the result
of today’s level of economic globalization and encouraging these investments
in the European markets. Contemporarily, these investments have to be
evaluated thoroughly for reasons linked to European security and economic
interests. The game that Western countries have to play is anchored on the fact
that North America and Europe should have the maximum level of market
liberalization and openness to foreign investments, while at the same time they
need to maintain the defense and the development of their democracies,
identities and financial and economic interests. And all this should be done
avoiding every possible move toward economic protectionism and dirigisme in
North America as well as in Europe. To reach these goals many tools could be
used. This subject is undergoing a constant modification because also the definition of what is a U.S. national interest and a E.U. national interest is not
rigid. The behavior of the emerging countries and the allocation of their
resources inside Western economies propose one more time the eternal dilemma between
state and market, and the research of a dynamic equilibrium that may not accept
static and dogmatic solutions. The European experience suggests
applying five guidelines in dealing with S.W.F.s which invest in Western
- To distinguish, although it is not easy, whether
the investments done by S.W.F.s in Western economies are done following market
criteria or disputable and dangerous politic aims;
- To distinguish between acquisitions of
controlling quotas and simple financial investments with minority quotas;
- To value the level of democracy of the countries
from which the S.W.F.s originate;
- To pretend the maximum of transparency and
reciprocity of freedom when Western
countries' companies invest in countries from which S.W.F.s originate;
- To ban S.W.F.s from the acquisition of controlling
quotas (or just relevant assets) in sectors that are considered strategic or highly
sensible, like the defense sector and the infrastructural networks in the
fields of energy, telecommunications, water, railroads and freeways.
Some months ago, at the beginning of 2008, two E.U. commissioners
explained that S.W.F.s had principally to improve their transparency. Monetary
Affairs Commissioner Joaquim Almunia stressed the point that S.W.F.s should
understand their responsibilities, but that at the same time they could provide a useful
source of investments through “quick and rapid financing to large banks that
faced liquidity problems”.[xxx]
Similarly, Charlie McCreevy, the E.U. commissioner
for the internal market,
pointed out that S.W.F.s had to improve the quality of their financial
information but that at the same time they had positive results for the E.U.
economy because they were long-term investors. In Europe there are two options
in order to apply these five guidelines. One option is linked to the American
experience; and it would like to create a specific agency like Cfius in the U.S.
This new agency should have the task of evaluating, selecting, approving or
denying the investments of emerging countries' S.W.F.s in Europe. The second
option, which has been proposed by Peter Mandelson, the E.U. commissioner for
trade, consists of adopting a sort of European golden share (at the E.U. level
and not at the domestic level) that could give extraordinary powers to the E.U.
authorities when the stake are assets fundamental not only for one E.U. country
but also for the interest of all the E.U. member states. Both the two options
do not have an easy implementation and have pros and cons.
The problem is that there is
also another very dangerous tendency, which is currently emerging also in North
America. This tendency simplifies the issue of the S.W.F.s by recurring to protectionism both
with the creation of the so-called national champions and by raising entrance
barriers to the E.U. markets for investments done by S.W.F.s from emerging
countries. Not only is this process an obvious stop to foreign investments, but
also it represents a halt to the liberalization of the E.U. economies. Behind this
protectionist idea there is the illusory search for a sort of economic
auto-sufficiency for the so-called “European fortress”, but according to
contemporary economic literature this attempt is totally out of time.
Notwithstanding today’s difficulties, it is indispensable to think that until
some years ago only few capitals from emerging countries arrived and were
reinvested in Europe. Normally, they were never evaluated although they were
considered with a lot of suspicion. Today’s debate about S.W.F.s is without any
doubt an important evolution that can have positive developments for the economies
of both developed and developing countries. In the age of globalization, Europe
is now divided between, on the one side, supporters of markets openness and, on
the other side, supporters of economic patriotism. What is important to do
right now is to strike a balance, i.e., a point of convergence between these two
alternatives. This convergence does require new rules and, transparency and
political will to reach this target.
The E.U.
explained its approach to S.W.F.s in February 2008 when it released the
Communication (COM) (2008) 115 Final, whose title is “A Common European
Approach to Sovereign Wealth Funds.”[xxxi] In
the introduction of this document the Commission spoke about the commitment to
investments and free movement of capitals — these are among the most important principles
of the E.U. framework, especially now in a globalized world. Then, the Commission explained that
investments of S.W.F.s could support the international role of the euro in the
medium term. In fact,
foreign exchange reserves, the goal is liquid and safe assets denominated in a
currency with low foreign exchange conversion costs – which tends to favor the
U.S. dollar. S.W.F.s have more freedom to choose their investments. This is likely
to mean a higher share of the euro assets than now is the case for reserves[xxxii].
Commission pointed out that the recent request for improved governance for S.W.F.s
did not mean that in Europe there was a legal vacuum. In fact, in Europe
it exists between the E.U. and its member states a regime that regulates the
establishment and actions of foreign investors. S.W.F.s may be included under
this legal regime. The W.T.O. and the O.E.C.D. rules and a combination of bilateral and
sectorial agreements provide the legal framework in which the E.U. operates
today. With reference:
To the E.U. legal framework, investments
by S.W.F.s in the E.U. are subject to the same rules and controls as any other form
of investment, either foreign or domestic, where the principles of free
movement of capital between Member States, and between Member States and third
countries stipulated in Article 56 E.C. apply.
The free movement of capital is
not absolute. As a fundamental principle of the Treaty, it may be regulated in
two respects at the European level under Article 57 (2) E.C.: first, the Community
may adopt by qualified majority measures on the movement of capital from third
countries involving direct investment Second, it is not excluded that the
Community can introduce – by a unanimous decision - measures that restrict
direct investments.
The Merger Regulation allows Member States to
take appropriate measures to protect legitimate interests other than
competition. Such measures must be necessary, non discriminatory and
proportionate as well as compatible with other provisions of Community law.
Public security, plurality of the media and prudential rules are regarded as
legitimate interests, whilst other interests can be considered legitimate on a
case by case basis on notification to the Commission.[xxxiii]
states include national instruments that may be used to control S.W.F.s and there
are no restrictions on their possibility to develop new tools — compatible with
the treaty, proportionate, non-discriminatory and non contradicting
international obligations — in order to tackle specific needs if they arise.
The European Court of Justice (E.C.J.) brings about additional guidance on how states
may take these measures in compatibility with the treaty, explaining that
merely economic arguments can never justify positions prohibited by the treaty.
The court provides also criteria to assess the proportionality of the
authorization system:
These must aim at the protection of a
legitimate general interest and foresee strict time limits for the exercise of
opposition powers, assets or management decisions targeted must be specifically
listed, and the system’s objective and stable criteria must be subject to an
effective review by the courts.
there is scope to monitor and control the behaviour of S.W.F.s as investors on an
ongoing basis via the regulatory framework, which offers an effective tool to
protect public interests irrespective of ownership. This is particularly the
case in network industries.[xxxiv]
Then in the Com (2008) 115 Final, the commission
elucidates what are the five essential principles on which it will be founding
its policy in relation to S.W.F.s. The following table will clarify these five
According to the commission the
two main points in order to address the concerns related to S.W.F.s are good
governance and improved transparency. For the commission, the principles of
good governance include:
- The clear
allocation and separation of responsibilities in the internal governance
structure of an S.W.F.
- The
development and issuance of an investment policy that defines the overall
objectives of S.W.F. investment;
- The existence
of operational autonomy for the entity to achieve its defines objectives;
- Public
disclosure of the general principles governing a S.W.F.’s relationship with
government authority;
- The
disclosure of the general principles of internal governance that provide
assurances of integrity;
- The
development and issuance of risk-management policies.
practices that have to be considered are:
- Annual disclosure of investment positions and
asset allocation, in particular for investments for which there is majority
- Exercise of ownership rights;
- Disclosure of the use of leveraged and of the
currency composition;
- Size and source of an entity’s resources;
- Disclosure of the home country regulation and
oversight governing the S.W.F.
S.W.F.s rapidly gaining importance in the monetary and financial system the debate
about their nature and their pros and cons is spreading more and more on both
sides of the Atlantic. The I.M.F. and the O.E.C.D. are working in order to develop
a code of rules for S.W.F.s. This code of good practices should help understand
which funds invest properly and which rather invest for different reasons not
always based on economic considerations. Summing up:
funds are not likely to go away. They're based on current account surpluses and
will become less important only if the countries with large surpluses begin to
run prolonged current account deficits. Major countries have committed to
reducing their current account imbalances, and this would limit the growth of
sovereign funds. But the world economy evolves continuously in ways that make
it hard to be sure current account imbalances will shrink[xxxv].
from all the expressed considerations, maybe in the end, Anders Ǻslund who is a
senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics has the
right understanding about S.W.F.s. In fact, Mr. Ǻslund says that for Americans and
Europeans these funds are nothing to be worried about, while “if anyone should
worry about them, it’s the people whose governments are amassing them.”[xxxvi] In
other words, the governments are really bad in managing money and it should be
better to leave these resources to the private citizens. Mr. Ǻslund continues
explaining that S.W.F.s are in general created by authoritarian regimes in
semi-developed countries where the citizen cannot hope for better results, while
in democratic countries:
politics work differently. The only democratic country with a large sovereign
wealth fund is Norway. Since the Norwegian fund was established in 1990, every
incumbent government has lost elections because the opposition has promised all
kinds of popular expenditures from the abundant fund. Democratically, it is
difficult to defend an excessive public reserve fund.
international reserves are always needed, and exporters of commodities with
highly fluctuating prices require larger reserves as a safety net. However,
sovereign wealth funds are something different. They reflect a
paternalistic—and economically illiterate—notion that the ruler knows best
while citizens are so irresponsible that they cannot be entrusted with their
own savings. It would be more economical and democratic to cut taxes and let
citizens save and invest themselves[xxxvii].
the complete report see: AIZENMAN, J., Large
Hoarding of International Reserves and the Emerging Global Economic Architecture,
in http://www.nber.org/papers/w13277,
accessed on March 22, 2008.
[ii] THE ECONOMIST, The Invasion of Sovereign-Wealth Funds,
in The Economist, January 19-25,
2008; THE ECONOMIST, Asset-Backed
Insecurity, in The Economist,
January 19-25, 2008.
[iv] “International reserves are the funds countries hold for use
by their treasury or finance ministries and central banks. Public pension funds
hold the funds that states promise their citizens (Kimmitt notes that these
funds have traditionally kept low exposure to foreign assets). State-owned
enterprises are companies fully or partly managed by the state, each of which
may have its own assets and investments”, in TESLIK, L., H., Sovereign Wealth Funds, in http://www.cfr.org/publication/15251/sovereign_wealth_funds.html?breadcrumb=%2Fbios%2F12286%2Flee_hudson_teslik,
accessed on March 22, 2008.
[xii] ECONOMIST, Asset-Backed Insecurity, in The Economist, January 19-25 2008.
[xiv] BURTON, J, Wealth Funds Exploit Credit Squeeze, in Financial Times, March 24, 2008. According to data coming from Dealogic SWFs
invested in 2007 $48.5 billion and in January-February 2008 $24.4 billion. Most
of the total invested - summing up to $72.9 billion – was related to banking
activities with financial services accounting for $60.7 billion.
[xxvi] WEISMAN, S., R., Sovereign Funds Agree to Shun “Geopolitical”
Investments, in The New York Times,
Friday March 21, 2008.
[xxviii] TRUMAN, E., M., Sovereign Wealth Funds: The Need for Greater
Transparency and Accountability, in: http://www.iie.com/publications/pb/pb07-6.pdf,
accessed on March 24, 2008. For more sweeping reforms see: REDIKER, D.,
CREBO-REDIKER, H., Foreign Investments and Sovereign Wealth Funds in: http://www.newamerica.net/files/GSFIWorkingPaper1.pdf,
accessed on March 24, 2008.
[xxxiv] Ibidem. The measures taken by Member States shall not constitute a
means of arbitrary discrimination or disguised restriction on the free movement
of capital, Article 56 EC.
L., Funds That Shake Capitalist Logic,
in Financial Times, July 29, 2007.
ECONOMIST, Asset-Backed Insecurity,
in The Economist, January 19-25, 2008.
ECONOMIST, The Invasion of
Sovereign-Wealth Funds, in The
Economist, January 19-25.